Today’s FBI

Today’s FBI


Most of my readers know that I was once employed in clerical support with the Indianapolis office of the FBI. I also come from a long line of police officers that runs along both sides of my family and that spans most of the last century. This background inspired my desire to write crime fiction.


While attending the recent Thrillerfest in New York this past week, I had the pleasure of meeting some of the Bureau’s finest. These three agents, all supervisors with the NY office, held the audience spell-bound with stories of some of their more interesting cases. I had the pleasure of speaking with one of them shortly afterward and was pleased to find him as dedicated and forthright as the agents and other Bureau personnel were in my day. Back then our chief concern was violent crime. Most of the work I did focused on the Soviets and Eastern bloc activities as well as public corruption. Today, though, these young men are charged with a much wider and much deeper array of issues. Cybercrimes, for example, did not exist in my FBI. Currently, it is among the greatest areas of concern. But if my impression of today’s FBI is valid – and based on the young man I met, I believe it is – we have little to fear. Today’s FBI is better than ever.

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